Do you accept my health insurance?

No, we don’t accept insurance. All visits are private-pay and billed on the day of service.

Will my insurance pay for my treatment here?

The short answer is “maybe.” We’re happy to provide billing statements and superbills you can submit for reimbursement, but we can’t guarantee your insurance company will honor them — every plan is different.


Can I contact you if I’m pregnant or recently had a baby?

Yes, absolutely. We’re a company founded by working parents, and we would love to help you if we can.

Can I contact you about my adult child, or for a friend or partner?

Yes, of course. All prospective clients will need to speak with us eventually, but if you have their permission we’re happy to discuss logistics with you first. And if you’re some saintly person calling around for an exhausted friend or new mom, thank you for supporting the people you love.


What’s with all the dragonflies?

So glad you asked. Apart from being out-of-this-world beautiful, dragonflies symbolize hope, maturity, strength, adaptability, and change. Basically everything we’re going for here.

Any other question at all?

Give us a call to discuss.